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Water Service and Sewer laterals Miami Dade county


Installation and conveyance of new water and sewer service laterals in Miami Dade county are becoming very time consuming due to the new E-builder system and survey as built requirements.  We have attached  several pictures of our most recent project located in North Miami. The scope of service included a new water service connection with a new water meter box. We also installed 2 new sewer laterals and abandoned an existing septic tank system.  The building was utilizing a private water well.

The project required coordination with FDOT, WASD, DERM, Florida department of health, Miami Dade county department of transportation and roadway along with other building department sections.  The project scope was very small but had to undergo 6 months of design and 4 months of permitting, and 4 months of conveyance paperwork.

Below is an example of the As-built survey work. the final as-built survey consist of a cover sheet and plan and profile. we clipped out a section to show what Miami Dade water & sewer requires.  Notice the control points are tied to the state coordinate system.  The acceptance process for the As-built is about 4 months


Shown below are pictures of the new water service and sewer laterals.

Notice the work area for the installation. We had to close down the roadway. The excavation was done in 2 hours and the roadway was re-opened. We installed temporary asphalt then final asphalt a few weeks later.



Sewer lateral Miami beach

We had a very difficult sewer lateral installation in the city of Miami Beach recently. The sewer line was backing up all over the place.  We had several pump out trucks on-site to remedy that.  The water level was extremely high and the de-watering system could not keep up with the percolation rate.  Very strange… Continue Reading

New Watermain and Temp Meter

During the installation of a new watermain in Miami Dade County we typically apply for a temporary water meter or floating meter.  This allows construction crews  access to clean water from a nearby fire hydrant.  We typically use the meter to fill and flush new watermains. A floating meter is a valuable tool during a… Continue Reading

Septic to Sanitary Connection

The process of abandoning a septic tank and installing a new sewer lateral in Miami Dade county is simple.  The homeowner must retain a civil engineer for design services.  Typically the septic tank must be pumped out,  cleaned and filled with sand then certified to the local health department. The hard part is connecting to… Continue Reading

New fire service connection

Installing a new fire line connection or fire service in Miami Dade county requires significant planning and administrative paperwork. General contractors or fire sprinkler companies do not realize that a new fire connection requires coordination and conveyance from the local utility company. The building department provides a general review and approval but the utility company… Continue Reading

Water and Sewer connections in Miami Beach

The installation cost for water and sewer service laterals or new service connections in Miami Beach are significantly higher than most other municipalities in Dade county because the water level is so high.  The majority of the utility work is underwater. The Contractor needs to de-water  within a very tight corridor, usually within an alley… Continue Reading